Monday, December 27, 2010

Trip to the Caribbean: Day 1

Alas this is the Caribbean: They don't have pigeons, but instead Roosters walking around. Roosters are friendly here, and unlike Pigeon, they walk right up to people and say hi. They love it.
       And they greeted us at our plane, and in the parking lot of the airport. Why don't we have cute Roosters?

Anyways. We arrived nicely after 3 hours or so of flight, to the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean.
The sky's were blue, and refreshing after the constant raining and grayness in America/Philadelphia. Everything was so green it was nice!

We went to get our car, and it turned out to be a Mini Cooper... wow. So tiny. But it's cozy! We drove to our condos, and it turned out to be a nice living area. I made myself at home right away!

This is the front of our house - - - >

See~? I made myself right at home with my accessories and what-not :3 

 I'm so happy I have a dresser! I cant put all my cute things~

 The typical beach. We went to the one at a hotel! Look how blue the water is! And the sand is so soft and pure~ not dirty or littered of! yay!

A nice sunset on the Cayman Island. It was just like a rainbow in the sky! It's so gorgeous!

After admiring the beautiful beach and taking a nice half hour walk, the family (Me, mom, dad, and Morgan the sister) went to dinner. While we were waiting for my mom to cancel other reservations and for my dad to get out of the bathroom *sigh* we saw a beautiful flying lantern! yes! A lit lantern floating in the sky! It was amazing! I could not get picture thought... cause it was too high up! But it was lovely!

We had a nice "all you can eat" dinner buffet, with almost every kind of seafood in the world. There was Sushi! YES! yummy! And there was rice and lobster and so much other. including DELICIOUS dessert!

Then we returned to the condo, and watched "Inception" and "The Kings Speech" amazing!

(P.S. Sorry for such a late entry... it is ACTUALLY day 3, but the condo internet was down for two days! *sob*)

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